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  • tinaobiero7


Heeeeeeey.....How have you been??Hope well, hope this season of your life you are at peace with your self. As for me am ok, just trying to figure out life with it's many challenges some great, some....exhausting but one day at a time.

I have this awesome, scratch that amazing friend, who always come through when I celebrate every milestone in my life, those winning moments and also those moments I feel lost and frustrated. He knows my love for flowers (tulips to be precise) and he always has away to cheer me up always with a bouquet or just a single rose, told you he's one of a kind. Every time all the flowers come with a note and super amazing messages, but this specific bunch came with one note that I have kept to date & I quote, "When you take these flowers in your hands and really look at them, it’s your world for the moment.”

I honour you friend.

Flowers, plants and nature as a whole have really been a place of solace for me. Every flower to me is a soul blossoming in nature. In that way, their life lessons are many. Neither us nor them can blossom without love and sunshine.

1. Flowers Don’t Set Limits for Themselves

A flower wants to grow as much as it possibly can. It never tells itself “I’ll stop growing after I reach a certain height”.

If we have limiting beliefs about ourselves, it will make us hold back. If we don’t believe in ourselves, how can we expect others to?. Henry Ford once commented that, ‘Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right’.

While it can be healthy to know your own limitations, it’s also healthy to let go of inhibiting thoughts. You deserve to thrive.

2. Flowers Allow Their Struggles to Make Them Stronger

Flowers have been found to bloom through little cracks in the rocks on high mountains. Flowers are found growing through slight clefts in the buildings.

Yes, positive environment and proper nurturing accelerates the growth of the flowers, but the lack of it doesn’t stop the flowers from growing altogether. Life is a flower and neither can blossom without love and sunshine. As Napoleon Hill said, ‘Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.’ That’s one of the truest pieces of advice we could hope for.

None of us are immune from challenging times. As we grow older, we experience successes and failures. We can be encouraged, however, that struggles have the potential to make us stronger. By stepping out of our comfort zones, we’ll find we grow stronger.

A Lotus (water lily) blooms in dirty water but it is one of the purest flowers of all. So no matter how many ups and downs there are in life, be like a flower blooming to the maximum, spreading happiness and living life fully.

3. Love unconditionally!

Flowers are affectionate; they are sweet, so close to us and so loving. Their presence fills us with delight( I know they do for me) whether physical or painted art. If we have to wish or congratulate someone, the very first idea of a gift which pops up in our mind is a bunch of flowers. They make one of the best gifts we can give. It’s easy to take flowers for granted. We’re all guilty of it. But these wonders of nature deserve better. From the oxygen we breathe to the fruits and deco's in our homes that make us smile, flowers(plants) add so much value to our lives.

We feel loved when someone gives us flowers as well. Life is a flower that never stops blooming and the significance of flower gifts are personal expressions of our feelings for each other. Flowers bring about positive changes in people’s moods. What are we doing to add value to the lives of those around us? It doesn’t take much to improve someone else’s day. Sometimes, just being there for the people we care about can mean the world to them.

As we spend time with people and pay attention to their needs, we learn that nobody is perfect. We all have long term and short term struggles in this journey we call life. Helping others adds an extra layer of meaning to our daily lives.

If you’ve ever had a time in your life when you loved someone unconditionally, you surely felt excited and freed, not drained and weighed down. Why not practice unconditional love every single day, just like a flower does!

4. Flowers (Plants)Are Happy With Being Themselves

What fascinates me about flowers, is that they have unique characters from the desert flowers to the garden flowers they all posses unique characters. Flowers don’t rely on the validation of other flowers to be who they are. They are happy with the purpose they’ve been given and they work towards fulfilling that purpose every day.

For many people (including me), recognizing our purpose is no easy task. Once we realize our purpose, however, we can go about boldly executing that purpose. There’s great peace to be found in knowing that we’re blooming just the way we should be.

Different flowers have different requirements. Some benefit from pruning, some require thinning, some prefer direct sunlight and some don’t mind. As you live your life each day, you can be proud of your uniqueness.

In Conclusion – Life is a Flower

Flowers are the happiest things that we come across. Fragrances of flowers always spread in the direction of wind.

So always count your garden by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Life is a flower, both of them exhibit the same qualities from which we can learn.

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