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I love listening to TED talks and this by far is one of my favs "The danger of a single story " by

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. For more Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more.

As Chimamanda delivers her essay. It is clear am also super guilty of stereotyping without realizing it. Mostly to my own people. I remember the other day telling my nephew he should not wear any pink clothing cause it marks one as being "too girlish"

We are all stereotypes one way or another, mostly the negative ones. During this election season ethnic stereotyping is more pronounced here in Kenya than any other time. Ethnic stereotyping is a phenomenon that has been used in Kenya over the years, especially for humor purposes. It is common in schools and universities drama productions, among friends and peers, and in the mainstream radio and television stations. Stereotyping is universal and is used for different purposes. While stereotyping has been inherent in the mass media, a similar trend appears to take place in the social media today. The social media comes in various forms such as websites, emails, blogs, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and so forth. These media are developing fast and becoming complex due to their ability to incorporate all the other aspects of the main stream media. Just like the conventional media, the social media have the potential to influence people’s perceptions and thinking due to their communicative power. This is because the internet is rapidly becoming a serious communicative channel, besides the fact that its material can easily flow to other media channels.

A single story may change a whole village, scratch that an entire continent for instance Rwanda and Post election violence of 2007. As Chimamanda was explaining herself, I realized how it is also important to travel. There is a meme that says, "Travel to avoid marrying your next door neighbour."😂🤣🤣🤣

Travelling is a form of inspiration teaches us new things about ourselves or it reminds us of old selves. When we travel we keep our eyes open and get excited about every little thing, from the shape of the buildings, to the lights in the street and the way people talk in the bus. We travel because we want to see how other people live, what they eat, how they party. It will also help you educate other people you interact with about where you are from and meet new people and potential baes.

If you ever get a chance to travel, don't think twice, go and experience the good, the wild and the ugly. The experience is life changing.

I love the Coastal Region. From my experience I have come to love the Giriamas a lot, hey future bae😉😘. In fact from the stories I was told and read before about them, I have come to a conclusion that they are the most peaceful tribe in Kenya, main reason why they never resisted the British colonialist.

From the video above, It’s clear that stereotyping are engrained in us from our childhood, children’s lives from a young age and accordingly forced to fit in with society’s expectations of them. We all have responsibility to build a more inclusive and accepting society. Growing up should be about discovery and diversity. We're campaigning to overturn the decline in children's well‑being and build a brighter future for their whole generation.

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